The advice I find myself giving
out most to people these days (solicited advice, I hasten to add) particularly
when they are feeling directionless or unhappy or without confidence, is this –
move to another country.
By this I don’t literally mean
move to another country. But I don’t not mean that either. What I’m trying to
tell people is, from my point of view, if you’re not happy with your life,
don’t know who you are or what you want - throw yourself into totally alien
situation. Plan a bit, maybe, but what you’re planning for is unknowable so by
the same token, you can’t really plan for it. Because what happens when you
turn your world onto its head is this - you deal with it, and while you’re
dealing with it, you start to work the other bits out.
I’m really bad at taking my own
advice, although who isn’t, actually? I write all of these blogs about loving
yourself and being kind to yourself and being your own hero, and then when it
comes to me I’ve carried this voice in my head that’s always said, ‘yeah, but
not you, because you’re a dick.’ I know, proper unhealthy, right?