Monday, 30 December 2019

The Big Let Down (or, why I hate New Year’s)

*Disclaimer – all the stories that follow are based on my flawed and subjective memory. So please bear that in my mind if you were present for any of those moments and they don’t ring 100% accurate to your recollection. I can’t help that, none of us can.

** Another disclaimer – all of these stories, in some manner or another, involve drinking. But given that the context of them is New Year’s, this shouldn’t be a concern.

The Beginning

               When it comes to New Year’s Eve, I just can’t be arsed. Not this New Year’s specifically, I mean all of them. No matter where I am, what I’m doing or who I’m with. I realise that this sounds rather bleak, but bear with me. It’s the expectation that gets me down. There’s all this build up to… nothing. I mean, nothing. Best case scenario is that you’ve had enough fun that you’ve got messed up in some manner, and let’s face it, there are consequences to doing that that nobody enjoys.

Saturday, 12 January 2019

New Year, New… well, hmmm.

It feels really good to be sat here writing this. It’s an actual joy. Why? Because it’s been a while, that’s why. It’s been a while because toward the end of last year, I took a class on writing short fiction. During that time, and since, my focus has been on fiction.

I love learning to write fiction. It’s challenging and interesting and completely engaging. My classmates and I have formed a writing group, to continue the practice of sharing our work and giving honest and unbiased feedback. Albeit in a kind, encouraging way. Which is vital, I think, to the effectiveness of constructive feedback on creative work. You need to be gentle when you’re that intimately involved with someone else’s head. I know I definitely need that respect and sensitivity in order to remain open to other ideas and perspectives.