Friday, 9 April 2021

Hindsight is 2020

By the end of 2020…

my mind was spaghetti. Shifting, unpredictable, slippery, chaotic spaghetti.

That’s why I found it so hard to pull a blog out of my arse all year. Well, that, and the fact that we were all watching the same volcano explode. To comment on it, or my feelings about it, felt irrelevant. The differences lie only in our proximity to the volcano; the risk, and the options, vary wildly depending on our geographical location. And even though each individual country often has a disaster it’s trying to deal with, this is the first time, in my lifetime, at least, that we’re all caught up in the same one.

Sunday, 14 March 2021

Hosting a Virtual Science Fair in 2020

I gave this talk to the Royal Society of New Zealand Wellington Branch at their AGM on 21st October 2020 (so forgive me if the context, particularly in relation to the pandemic, is already out of date - I've just been exceptionally lazy in getting around to sharing it!) Below is the story of how the NIWA Wellington Regional Science Fair (a competition open to all students from years 7 to 13 in the Wellington region) went virtual for the first time in it's nearly 60-year history. 
